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Bull Shark Buff

Inspired by the bull sharks from Florida, our buffs protect you from the elements. They also double up great as a headband, on land or underwater, to keep your hair out of the way! 


Make sure to list your mailing address on the PayPal link below and to enter in the price ($25):

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Save the Mako Crop Tee

Part of our Save the Mako campaign, spark awareness for mako conservation with this cropped tee! All proceeds help fund our mako shark research!


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With the Waterlust Positive Impact Partnership, Waterlust donates 25% of what you purchase from their website back to Project Kolika's conservation and research efforts. 


Excludes Pleated Cotton Masks and their Divers In Solidarity collection. 


Blue Shark Yoga Leggings

These yoga leggings are extremely comfortable and your go-to for your next yoga class or sport activity! Inspired from a 5 ft. female blue shark we encountered off San Diego, we wanted to portray their vibrant blue in which they get their name from.


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Unisex Mako Sweatshirt

Unisex crew sweatshirt, raising awareness of our local short-fin makos. 100% organic cotton exterior!



Save the Mako Mug

Comes in 11oz and 15oz sizes. Perfect for gifts too! Save sharks and raise awareness for mako sharks with our signature mug.


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Mako Wine Tumbler

Support our #SaveTheMako campaign with our newest wine tumbler design, also comes in all white! 



Blue Shark Yoga Shorts

Don't like leggings? No problem! Try the short version of our beautiful blue shark photograph.



Reflection Bull Shark Throw

Featuring our bull shark print, get cozy this season with our 50" x 60" blanket throw!


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Project Kolika Crew

Stay warm in our unisex crews! Comes in 3 colors.



Wrap-Around Bull Shark Throw Pillow

Match our blanket throw with our bull shark pillow throw, with a wrap-around design.



Bull Shark Unisex Athletic Long Shorts

Get active with our unisex bull shark shorts! 


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